
  • Due Jun 26, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 6
  • Available after Jun 22, 2023 at 12:30pm
  • Time Limit None


Please read the following carefully.  

Please read the following information and instructions before you begin the quiz.You should also be fully prepared to take this quiz.  Please consult the Week 1 Summary before beginning.  

I strongly encourage you to compile several pencils, blank paper, and a calculator before you begin.


While you are given unlimited time to complete the quiz before the due date, it is in your best interest to set aside approximately 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the quiz. You will also need to ensure that you will have dedicated internet access for the duration of the quiz.

Authorized and Unauthorized Aid on the Quiz

We take cheating at Seattle University very seriously.  You are required to abide by the Seattle University Academic policy.  For each quiz/assignment, the allowed resouces may change.  This section will be updated for every quiz.  Please read the following carefully.  You will be asked to confirm that you have abided by these policies in the quiz. 

Allowed Resources

You may refer back to the following:

  • Personal lecture notes
  • Course textbook
  • Recorded lectures posted to this course website.
  • Any posted resources available on the course site
  • A graphing calculator such as Desmos.

Prohibited Resouces

  • You are required to work alone on the exam.  The use of external websites or the discussion board are not permitted on this quiz. This includes, but is not limited to, asking a student/tutor/instructor for assistance, posting questions on help forums, etc.
  • You may not use software.  Prohibited software includes, but is not limited to,  Mathematica, Wolfram Alpha, and calculators with symbolic software. If you don't understand the last statement, please contact oliveras@seattleu.edu for "device approval".  
  • You may not consult external websites. This includes, but is not limited to, lecture notes from other professors, external course sites, etc.

Use of these unauthorized aids is in violation of Seattle University's Academic Honesty policy which you can find here.  If I suspect that you have violoated these policies with the quiz, an academic policy violation form will be filed and may become part of your permanent academic record. 


Completing the Quiz

You only have one opportunity to this quiz online, so it is important to complete the quiz once you have started it. 

When you have completed the quiz, click "Submit". You will be shown your results for automatically graded questions once you complete the exam. Essay or media response questions will be graded within one week of the due date.

IMPORTANT!  If math fonts are not displaying properly on your quiz, please contact Katie as soon as possible at oliveras@seattleu.edu 
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes