Course Syllabus

Math 1334 - Calculus 1

General Course Information

Instructor: Katie Oliveras
Office Location: Bannan 422
Detailed Syllabus: Math 1334 - Syllabus (pdf)
Course Name: Math 1335 - Calculus II (01)
Location: PIGT 307
Credits: 5 Credits

Course Description

The first quarter of calculus concentrates on differential calculus:  derivatives of functions and applications of derivatives.  The derivative is defined using a limit, based on concepts of the slope of a tangent line and instantaneous rate of change or velocity.  The derivative is then applied to problems including graphing, optimization, related rates, and solutions of equations.  This calculus course has a computer laboratory component with group projects that provide students with an opportunity to practice collaborative learning and writing mathematics.

Office Hours / Email

My tentative office hours are scheduled as follows:

Day Time
MTWTh 10:50am - 11:30am (after class)
by appointment schedule an appointment online

Any updates to my office hours schedule will be posted under announcements.

I typically check my email regularly and will respond to urgent matters as soon as possible. For non-urgent matters such as homework questions outside of office hours, responses may take two business days.

Required Materials


The textbook for this course is Calculus, Volume I and it’s free!  I’m smiling about this – I hope you are too!  You can find the textbook embedded in the course canvas page.  However, you can also download for free at

or you can purchase a printed copy via various online retailers.  

A TI-83 or TI-84, or other graphing calculator is required.  You will be permitted to use Desmos or other online graphing calculators.  


As the course will be conducted online via Zoom, you will need to be able to connect to online meetings with an appropriate webcam.  

will use multimedia therefore you will need access to an up-to-date laptop or mobile device that can play videos, record videos and has a camera. If your computer can play multimedia but doesn't have a webcam, you may be able to use your mobile device to record and upload videos. 

It is essential that you have a reliable broadband network connection available during the course. We recommend cable broadband, DSL, fiber, or for mobile devices, the availability of LTE. If you can watch Netflix or YouTube videos in high definition without lags, it is likely your broadband connection is sufficient. You should also be aware that some countries block content, such as YouTube videos. If you will be traveling to a country that may block content, please talk to me right away (



Your grade will be made up of: 

Category Weight
Weekly Written Homework 15%
Weekly Quizzes        15%
Lab Assignments 15%
Chapter Exams 25%
Final Exam 20%
Proficiency / Participation 10%
Total 100%


The final grade assignments will be

Letter Grade Percentage Range
A-, A 90% - 100%
B-, B, B+ 80% - 89%
C-, C, C+          70% - 79%
D-, D, D+ 60 - 69%
F 59% and below


Tentative Assignment Schedule

You can find the tentative assignment schedule below.  A more detailed version of the syllabus can be found here: Math 1334 - Syllabus (pdf)

Course Summary:

Date Details Due