BCOM Midterm Quiz - Jan 31-Feb 1

  • Due Feb 2 at 12:01am
  • Points 150
  • Questions 18
  • Available Jan 31 at 12am - Feb 2 at 12:01am
  • Time Limit 180 Minutes


This midterm exam is only available January 31-February 1. After this window it cannot be reopened for any reason.

You will have 90 minutes for the quiz. Please answer each question in the order they appear. Questions do not appear in the same order for each person. Once you submit an answer you won't be able to go back to a previous question. Once you start the quiz, you must finish it.

There are multiple-choice questions and some essay questions. For the essay answers, please only use your writing. Do not use ChatGPT, BARD, or similar to rewrite your response. It's important to use your voice and your writing when responding to the questions. I'm looking for thoughtful responses, with specifics and examples, not generalities. Longer is not necessarily better. Please carefully review for correct grammar, capitalization, spelling, etc.

Please do not share information, screenshots, instant messaging, etc., with anyone else in class. I count on you for honesty.

If you are still taking the quiz when it closes you will not be permitted to finish.

There are no makeups if you miss the date and time for the midterm. Use a computer or tablet, not a phone.


Joe Barnes

Note: In some of the grade comments content has been/will be provided by BARD by Google.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes