
  • Due Jul 25, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 3
  • Available after Jul 21, 2023 at 1pm
  • Time Limit 100 Minutes


Do not start until you are ready to begin the timer

General Information 

Remember, this is just an "assessment" of your learning.  It's your opportunity to communicate with me what you understand of the material so far.

You also have the opportunity to view the solutions and provide corrections immediately after you have completed the exam.  For your own learning, this means that there is no reason to "cheat".  This really is just a different type of "feedback" mechanism.  

Required Supplies

For this exam, you will need the following:

  • paper and pencils (or a digital inking device)
  • access to a calculator (graphing calculator or Desmos will work fine)
  • the ability to take and upload photos of your work.  You can use a smart phone, web-camera, document scanner, or digital inking device.  


You have 100 minutes to complete the exam, and are welcome to start at any time you like.  However, you have until July 25 at 11:59pm PDT to submit your exam. Once you have finished the Exam, please upload all of your work as a single pdf file Exam 2 (file upload) within 20 minutes of completing the Exam.  

Academic Integrity

We take cheating at Seattle University very seriously.  You are required to abide by the Seattle University Academic policy.  For each quiz/assignment, the allowed resouces may change.  This section will be updated for every quiz.  Please read the following carefully.  You will be asked to confirm that you have abided by these policies in the quiz. 

Allowed Resources

  • Your own personal lecture notes
  • Canvas Page Resouces including
    • posted notes, solutions, videos, etc. 
    • the textbook
  • A graphing calculator (Desmos is premitted)

Prohibited Resources

  • Other people. You are required to work alone on the exam.  The use of external websites or the discussion board are not permitted on this quiz. This includes, but is not limited to, asking a student/tutor/instructor for assistance, posting questions on help forums, consulting ChatGPT (unless directed), etc. Consultation with anyone other than Katie Oliveras about the exam during the exam period is strictly prohibited (that is, until July 25 at 11:59pm PDT).   
  • Software. You may not use software.  Prohibited software includes, but is not limited to Mathematica, Wolfram Alpha, and calculators with symbolic software.  Please contact oliveras@seattleu.edu if you have any questions regarding "device approval".  
  • Discussion boards. You may not post questions on the discussion board. Once you have started the Exam, you are not permitted to post any questions to any discussion board until you have completed the Exam.  
  • External Websites. You may not consult external websites. This includes, but is not limited to, lecture notes from other professors, external course sites, homework helper sites, etc.

Have Fun

Relax!  Remember, this is just a "check in" of your learning.  It's an opportunity for you to figure out what you need to practice and for me to figure out what I need to help you on.  You will also get the opporuntity to gain points back through corrections.  So sit back, take it seriously, and do your best. 

In order to lighten the mood, I always try to tell a "Laffy Taffy" joke at the beginning of an exam.  Here's the Laffy-Taffy joke of the day: 

Why do fish always sing off key?
Because you can't tuna fish.


Good luck!


Do not start until you are ready to begin the timer
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