MGMT 5335 01 16RQ8 Leading with Emot Intelligence

MGMT 5335


Summer 2016


(There is an additional fee of $435 payable to Teams & Leaders to cover retreat expenses and stipends for additional facilitators)



I n s t r u c t o r   I n f o r m a t i o N:


Bill Weis                                   (206) 296-5691             

Glenn Lux                                 (425) 460-5629             

Carly Cannell                            (541) 400-0049             

Hartley McGrath                      (206) 245-6999             

Melissa Keightley                                                           


Class Listserv                                                                 




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“Business schools must also teach core management skills – interpersonal, leadership, and communication skills, which are perceived as highly valuable but which are often rated as the least effective components of business school curricula.”


                                                                                AACSB, 2002, Management Education at Risk.


“Leaders are being judged by a new yardstick: not just by how smart they are, or by their training and expertise, but also by how well they handle themselves and others.”

                                                Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence


R a t i o n a l e:


            Research suggests that a leader’s capacity and productivity are fundamentally dependent on three competencies: I.Q., Business/Technical Expertise, and something known as “Emotional Intelligence” or EQ for short.  In fact, the more highly placed in an organization an individual is, the more important Emotional Intelligence becomes. Studies show that 85 percent of the effectiveness of star performers is linked to their possessing a high degree of Emotional Intelligence.

            Leaders today are confronted by daunting challenges: globalization of the economy, rapid changes in technology, shifting business models, accelerating pace of business – all at an ever increasing rate of change. Whether a company proves agile enough to survive and thrive will depend on the degree to which its leaders can manage their own emotions in the face of escalating change. Emotionally competent leaders think clearly under pressure, make strategic decisions, and adapt to shifting business climates with flexibility and focus. A leader exercising these capacities has a profound impact on others, serving to mitigate reactivity, building trusting relationships, and keeping the focus on what matters – delivering business results.



 Leadership excellence is being redefined in interpersonal terms as companies strip out layers of managers, as corporations merge across national boundaries, and as

customers and suppliers redefine the web of connection.”

Richard Boyatzis, Primal Leadership


C O U R S E   C O N T E N T:


            Building on the work of authors and researchers Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and other pioneers in the evolution of Emotional Intelligence, this special program eclipses the realm of EQ by expanding capacities and skills in the following key competencies:


                The Four EQ Quadrants



Self Awareness


Your ability to accurately perceive your emotions and stay aware of them as they happen. This includes being aware of how you tend to respond to specific situations and people.





Social Awareness


Your ability to accurately read the emotions of others and understand what is really going on – understanding what others are thinking and feeling, and being able to effectively see and navigate organizational culture.




Self Management


Your ability to use the awareness of your emotions to positively direct your behavior - managing your emotional reactions to all situations and people.




Relationship Management


Your ability to use the awareness of your emotions and the emotions of others to successfully manage interactions and relationships.






“Relationships are the very heart and soul of an

organization’s ability to get any job done.”

            Dr. Ron Short, Learning in Relationships



M E T H O D O L O G Y:


            This special course offers a unique program comprised of proven techniques, including experiential exercises that take leadership development beyond the bounds of the usual classroom setting into “real time” interaction and training. The goal is to engender deep insights and enable actual behavior and attitude changes to take firm root. The course will include a mix of proven methodologies that provide a singularly powerful leadership development program designed to elevate the level of Emotional Competence among its participants, enabling individuals to know themselves and their values better; to achieve greater clarity of vision; and act in ways that are congruent with their intentions, goals and values.

            In addition to a 12-hour “classroom” experience, the course includes an obligatory 3-day retreat experience. Reasons for this important component of the program include:


* People learn best when challenged and when placed in novel settings beyond their daily routine and activities

* Theory becomes practice, with participants practicing new skills with their peers in a “Learning Lab” setting

* The “skill intensive” retreat setting provides an efficient way to build lasting relationships and a learning community of bonded individuals

* The fresh perspective gained from being on retreat with a newly formed group fosters insight into behavioral and organizational patterns



L E A R N I N G   O U T C O M E S:


  1. To measurably increase self awareness and social awareness, and develop more effect self management and relationship management skills.
  2. To become more effective communicating with clients, colleagues at all levels in the organization, and prospective clients and future colleagues.
  3. To learn and develop (through practice) capacity for staying in relationship (collegial, client/professional, prospective clients and colleagues) with authenticity and integrity.
  4. To develop strategies and tactics for influencing the organizational culture to foster authentic data flow (communications) among members of the organization.
  5. To develop and hone skills for tempering the neural limbic system (“fight or flight” response) to replace impulsive and automatic response patterns with conscious choice patterns.
  6. To learn skills and strategies for “continuing education” in harnessing more effectively the neural limbic system (for example, developing skills in facilitating “T-Group” encounters and exercises to practice choosing more effective communication patterns.
  7. Develop effective skills in providing feedback to colleagues and associates.
  8. Develop and practice effective peer and professional coaching skills.



S C H E D U L E:                  


                Tuesday             June 21           5:30 pm – 9:00 pm


                        Distribute Course Forms and Materials

                        Name Learning / Introduction to Course

                        Conviction / Connection Model

                        "Awareness" Exercise

                        Assignment for this coming Saturday (June 25):

Complete EQ Self Assessment Instrument and Write EQ Self-     Assessment Critique 

Read and Synthesize:

            “EQ Primer,”

            “Unpacking the Experience,”

            “Speak Your Truth,” and

            “The Use of T Groups”


            Saturday         June 25           9:30 am – 4:30 pm


                        Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        Coaching Primer

Select Coaching Triads

Coaching Practice (Tag-Team coaching in a Fishbowl)

Review Conviction / Connection

Preparation for T-Group

MUSH Separator and SHIN Model


                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

                                    Conduct 2-hour practice coaching session with coaching triads

                                    Submit EQ Self-Assessment Critique

                                    Submit syntheses for all readings

                                    Begin writing autobiography


            Tuesday          June 28           5:30 pm – 9:00pm


                        Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        Review Coaching and CC Model

Debrief off-site coaching experience

                        T-Group Start-up


                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

                                    Continue writing autobiography


            Tuesday          July 5              5:30 pm – 9:00pm


Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        Review MUSH and SHIN / Start T Group


                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

Complete autobiography and bring 2 copies to class and transmit a copy to each of your coaches



            Tuesday          July 12            5:30 pm – 9:00 pm


                        T Group


Distribute copies of autobiography to coaches, and turn in 2 copies

                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

                                    Read your coaches’ autobiographies


            Tuesday          July 19            5:30 pm – 9:00 pm


                        T Group

                        Preparation for Retreat



            Retreat from Friday, July 22, 9:30 am, through Sunday, July 24, 4:00 pm           


                        Self-Awareness – Autobiographies

                        Creating Transparency Exercise

                        Peer Coaching

                        “T Group” and Other Practice Activities

                        Feedback Primer

                        Workplace/Life Application and Goals

                        EQ Action Plan Coaching

                        Feedback Circles

                        Note: we will do Yoga several times -- bring your mats!


Tuesday          July 26            5:30 pm – 9:00 pm


Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        Debrief Retreat Experience

T-Group Work


Assignment for final class meeting:

            Write and Submit Course Reflection Paper and Action Plan



                Tuesday          August 2         5:30 pm – 9:00 pm     



                        Creating Transparency

                        Closing Activity

                        Deep Lounging Finale




C O U R S E M A T E R I A L S :


Required Texts:


The EQ Primer by Lux, Weis & Bohan

EQ Self-Assessment by Lux, Weis & Bohan

Unpacking the Experience: A Primer on Coaching by Weis

The Use of Training Groups (T-Groups) in Raising Self and Social Awareness and             Enhancing Emotionally Intelligent Behaviors by Weis

SPEAK YOUR TRUTH: A Primer on Open and Authentic Communication by Weis and     Bohan




Participants in MGMT 5335 will be evaluated using the following criteria:



  1. Attendance and Participation (15% of grade) Attendance means prompt arrival at all scheduled class sessions and activities. In this course, participation means: visible engagement in your personal learning process as well as that of other students, completing the assigned readings and actively contributing to group discussions. If you have concerns about attendance or participation, please let me know.


“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste, experience it to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.”                     Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. EQ Self-Assessment Critique (15% of grade) After taking and scoring your EQ Assessment instrument, prepare an “executive summary” statement that offers a self-critique of your current levels of EQ in each of the four quadrants: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management. This is the starting point for your personal work toward enhancing each dimension of your EQ. This document should be 2-3 pages in length (single spaced) – at least one half page for each dimension of your EQ.


  1. Course Reflection Paper (20% of grade) The reflection paper should look at all your experiences during the course (class meetings, retreat, workplace experiences and from other group encounters and activities), relating these experiences to your own strategy and actions aimed at enhancing your EQ. The document should be no longer than 4 single-spaced pages.


  1. Readings Syntheses (15 % of grade) Prepare brief written syntheses for the book chapters and other readings we distribute. This is not a busy-work task to test whether you’ve read the assignments. The act of reflecting back on what you’re reading and reducing (or synthesizing) the readings to the salient points being conveyed in each reading will substantially enhance your understanding and retention of these points. It engages you actively in the learning process and thereby maximizes your personal learning. The syntheses will give you a memory “handle” on what you’ve read and will make the time you’ve spent with the readings packet much more meaningful and more enduring. These syntheses need only be a few sentences or a paragraph long, depending on the item that you are summarizing. You should take 2-5 minutes immediately after reading each article or chapter in the book to quickly write down the essence, or synthesis, of the article or chapter.


  1. Autobiography Assignment (15 % of grade) One critical component of developing emotional intelligence involves the ability to increase awareness of how our cultural and family backgrounds impact our current relationships. Our personal histories will often have a significant impact on when or with whom we become stuck in relationships, or become “hijacked” and ineffective in personal encounters, and can serve as a window into deeper understanding of self and increased emotional intelligence. As such, we would like you to compose a brief autobiography that identifies key events and key people in your life that have served to shape how you currently interact in relationships and social/workplace encounters. In essence, we would like you to write your “story” as it informs your current levels of EQ.


Your autobiography should be no more than 4 pages in length (single spaced. Bring 2 copies to turn in, and give a copy to each of your coaches. PLEASE BRING 2 COPIES OF YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHY TO THE RETREAT.


  1. Action Plan (20% of grade) This is your primary tool for moving forward, documenting how you plan to build upon any learning, insights or new skills that you have acquired as a result of the course experience. Your plan should include the people with whom you will be working over the next six months to consciously enhance your EQ behaviors, and the formats (e.g., coaching model) you will be utilizing in this developmental plan. You should think about the entire course experience (on-campus meetings, expedition, interactions with your class colleagues via e-mail and out of class, etc.) in formulating this plan, and engage your class colleagues in your planning process.




An additional fee of $435 will be assessed for this special course, to finance lodging and food during the retreat component, course materials and expenses for additional facilitators. This fee should be paid directly to “Teams and Leaders.”


"You will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." 

                                                                                                                                    - Mark Twain







Updated 6/13/16

Course Summary:

Date Details Due