Course Syllabus

EQ Outline Spring 2015-1.doc

S C H E D U L E:     Tuesdays        6:00 pm – 8:40 pm  Class Meets in Pigott 201


                March 31                               

                        Distribute Course Forms and Materials

                        Name Learning / Introduction to Course

                        Conviction / Connection Model

                        "Awareness" Exercise

                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

Complete EQ Self Assessment Instrument and Write EQ Self-    Assessment Critique 

Read and Synthesize:

            “EQ Primer,”

            “Unpacking the Experience,”

            “Speak Your Truth,” and

            “The Use of T Groups”


April 7

                        Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        Coaching Primer

Select Coaching Triads

Coaching Practice (Tag-Team coaching in a Fishbowl)

                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

                                    Conduct 2-hour practice coaching session with coaching triads

                                    Submit EQ Self-Assessment Critique

                                    Submit syntheses for all readings

            April 14

                        Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        Review Coaching and CC Model

Debrief off-site coaching experience

                        Preparation for T-Group

                        MUSH Separator and SHIN Model

                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

                                    Begin writing autobiography


            April 21                                                 

Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        Review MUSH and SHIN

                        T Group

                        Assignment for next Tuesday:

Complete autobiography and bring 4 copies to class and transmit a copy to coaches


April 28            

Yoga warm-up and tone setter

                        T Group

Distribute copies of autobiography to coaches, and turn in 2 copies

                        Preparation for Retreat


                May 1 – May 3           Retreat from 9:30 am Friday to 4:00 pm Sunday

                        Self Awareness – Autobiographies

                        Creating Transparency Exercise

                        Peer Coaching

                        “T Group” and Other Practice Activities

                        Feedback Primer

                        Workplace/Life Application and Goals

                        EQ Action Plan Coaching

                        Feedback Circles

                        Note:  we will do Yoga several times -- bring your mats!


                May 5                        


                        Debrief Retreat Experience

                        T-Group Work


            May 12


                        T-Group Work                                   


            May 19


                        T-Group Work

                        Creating Transparency

                        Assignment for final class meeting:

                                    Write and Submit Course Reflection Paper and Action Plan


            May 26

                        Closing Activity

                        Deep Lounging Finale

Course Summary:

Date Details Due