Lab 1

  • Due No due date
  • Points 15
  • Questions 15
  • Time Limit 90 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited



Before you begin, please be sure to review the lecture and exercise. 

There are 15 multiple choice questions (1 point each). Select the best answer. Try to write and run the codes before answering the questions. It'll help us get more comfortable over time.

Feedback will be given for each question upon completion.

There is a time limit of 90 min for each attempt. This is to build familiarity in the concepts. You can re-do this as many times as you want until the end of the course for a higher grade.

If you encounter technical difficulties resulting in a loss of connection, just re-do the quiz.

Practice makes perfect. 

Use the force!

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes